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Integration – What Happens After a Breathwork Session

Together we completed a step into your breathwork journey.

When we practice Breathwork, our body releases old toxins, emotional blockages and trauma and also brings in new energy into our system. This is why in the days following a session, you may or may notice some changes to your physical, emotional and/or spiritual body.

You may notice some of the following, all of which are completely normal: 

Tiredness – Sometimes, we can be left feeling a little physically tired, and this may feel similar to when you do a detox. This is especially common when you have had a big energy release during the session. 

Sense of calmness – releasing shock or energy from a fight, flight freeze response can often leave you feeling very relaxed, which can feel unusual if we have been in switched on states of being. Enjoy the new experience and remember to do your functional breathing and long slow exhales to maintain this lovely state!

Lightness & relief – Often we experience feeling a lot lighter in our mind, body and spirit. It may feel like we have released a weight or burden that we have been carrying.

Peace and new perspectives – Breathwork often offers beautiful feelings of peace or different perspectives and a sense of increased calmness, contented balance. Anxiety is reduced and there can be an accompanying feeling of freedom from tension.

Continued sensitivity – Often in a breath-work session, we are bringing things to the surface that the body is ready to release. It is possible for a few days after this release process will still continue, so you may find yourself a little sensitive or teary. Please know this is completely normal and is just a continued way of the body releasing. Its part of integrating from your session and it’s really important take care of yourself, be gentle, create time alone, or seek support if needed.

Pain Relief – If you had physical pain, you may notice that it feels different/moves.

New emotions – You may notice that new and previously unknown thoughts, feelings and emotions rise to the surface. Just notice what they are practice acceptance. See if they bring new insights, perhaps they may help you gain clarity or new perspectives.

New memories – can surface that have been protected before. Know that your body will never give you anything you can’t handle.

Some recommendations for after your session and next day following: 

  • Be very gentle with yourself, drink lots of water to hydrate and flush any moving toxins.

  • Journal – to bring more awareness and to depend your process.

  • Seek support from friends and loved ones if you feel that will help your process, remain aware that your energies may still be open, so go gently with this and trust your intuition.

  • If your session was a group session, please refrain from talking about other people’s processes with those who did not attend our session. Our intention is to create beautiful, safe, private places in these group sessions where people feel comfortable to express and share.

  • Get to bed early! Rest really allows the body to restore and rejuvenate. 

  • It’s a good idea not to drink alcohol directly after a session, as your body is still detoxing! We recommend you also eat some nourishing soul food.

  • It can be nice to go for a walk, swim, yin yoga practice, or be with nature in some way – you will be feeling connected already, so tapping into this flow is often very nurturing.

  • Take a warm bath with some calming essential oils.  

  • Because the sessions can sometimes be a little intense, it is nice to switch gears and watch a comedy or do something light-hearted!

To Stay Connected and for Further Support

  • If you need support, particularly in the days after a Breath-work session, I am available for you. Please PM or call me directly +61 4 2045 9776

  • If you would like to go deeper on specific issues, please reach out for a 1:1 private session or to learn more about the Therapies I offer – Check Here

  • Join our community, like our Facebook Community Page – Lynsey Chan – Rhythm of Breath and follow us on Instagram rhythm_of_breath

  • Tell all your friends and family about our practice if you feel it may support them

  • Sign up to my website for upcoming events, newsletters & Breath-Work

  • Watch out for an email from me with some further suggestions and resources you can use. 

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